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High Wavys –Meghamalai.

The earliest reference of High Wavys is in the Imperial Gazetteer Maps which dates back to 1920.The location was very approximate in the said maps, when land was being surveyed for Cinchona plantations by Messer E. Blatter and Prof. Halberg.

The essence of all the information derived from these maps, in the gazetteer's own words: “The High Wavy is the least known part of the hills of Madurai, and is infested with elephants and is the source of the Shurly River which over run with dark impenetrable forest “.

The last tea-planting region of south India, its exceedingly rich soil produces the highest crop in the world......plantations were pioneered by the famous Tea Estates India Ltd to produce some of the fine teas available in India ... Brooke Bond Lipton Red label...

The First Planting was done at Cloudland Division n by Mr. Napier Ford in 1927. Cloudland was a separate entity, privately owned by some Parsees and later bought over by Madras Tea Estates Ltd and converged to Messrs. Tea Estates India Ltd. Napier Ford and his men wade through knee to chest deep water before undertaking a steep 10 Mile trek through dense jungle. Elephants and tiger encounters were very common.

Now the single estate with three divisions covering almost 7000 acres are owned by the Woodbrair Group The word “High Wavys “used since the late 1920s in variably has been derived to describe the high undulating range of hills and mountains, steep and precipitous as seen from the plains.